However, it is important to remember that there are other types of texts that are also legal. As is the case with any type of contract, complaint or will. Since these are texts written by lawyers, either by a judge who drafts a sentence, or by a lawyer who drafts a complaint. In all these cases, it is a legal text. Most legal texts© – such as laws, contracts, judgments, powers of attorney – have a standard format. It depends on the specific formalisms of each company. In order to have a clearer idea of what a legal text is, it is necessary to have a clear example. Fortunately, examples of legal texts can be found very easily in everyday life. The writing style of this type of text preserves a number of terms and words that have been used for a long time. This is why we speak of a conservative style that retains rigid forms of expression from another time, which is why it is necessary to adapt them to our days. In doing so, however, aspects such as the character of the legal system are taken into account. Among the most common elements that we find when checking the structure of this type of texts we find the following: · The set of circumstances surrounding text creation is called the environment or situation.

These circumstances become frames of reference. The framework makes it possible to divide communication actions into a certain type of text appropriate to the situation in which they occur. An important point is the use of legal language, because although this type of text requires it, it is necessary to take into account how it is done in order to use it in the right way. It is recommended to use the concepts and all the terms that are part of the field of law consciously and not arbitrarily, as each of them has a fundamental implication that can cause confusion if not treated properly. If you have any doubts about what these types of texts are, stick to reading them because we will explain it to you. An important feature in relation to the use of language has to do with the presence of Latinisms, that is, the presence of words that come from Latin and that can be found precisely in a number of texts related to the field of law. This is because Latin has played a fundamental role in history, especially in the field of legal systems and on their way within Western civilization. As it is a text of a general nature, it is necessary that its composition has a clear and simple language, so that it is easy to understand for any recipient.

It is mainly characterized by the fact that it has a conservative meaning, especially in the language used. Although they are in themselves a certain type of text, legal texts are part of specialized texts. Indeed, each of them must be written by certain professionals and use a coherent language, in this case a language full of legal formalities. · If the text is completed, it is assumed that the recipient remembers what has already appeared and therefore it is not necessary to repeat it continuously. Next, describe the product and outline the conditions under which the « seller » wishes to present their products to the « buyer » through this contract. Finally, prepare a paragraph in which both parties legally sign in order to agree on the agreements contained in this letter. First of all, it is important to emphasize that all the texts in which laws are written are legal texts. This means that the Constitution, the Official Gazettes, the labour or education laws, all are legal texts. With this type of texts, we usually have closer contact in everyday life. Well, we get to know them from an early age. In the legal text there are very common formula expressions – sequences of fixed and memorized words. These are repeated quite often without variations or with very small variations.

The legal text is the act of communication – usually carried out in writing – which has a legal character and uses the language and formats of the field of law. One of the most important features is the use of language. Legal texts are directly related to compliance with a country`s legal standards. Therefore, all writings that can be considered legal are created in a purely legislative context. Although the length and format of this information may vary, many legal texts include an introduction that identifies a number of parts or elements, in addition to the central issue on which the content is developed. Although the objectives may vary, the legal text generally contains the preservation, use, clarification and formulation of the rules governing the relations between the members who are part of a society. Therefore, we find, among other things, a variety of formats with explicit explanations as well as regulations of the laws. To create a legal text, it is necessary to be a lawyer, judge, lawyer, notary or a similar profession. According to the text, it will also©be necessary to be a member of a bar or a public prosecutor`s office. The result is legal codes, explicit and normative explanations of laws, compilations of precedents and texts relating to judicial proceedings. This part of the text may also be accompanied by a set of binding guidelines indicating the treatment to be accorded to the recipient. It is necessary to check whether the final legal text is correctly related to the previous idea envisaged at the beginning and whether each element of the content of the full text and is related to the final presentation of the document.

It includes a number of texts that have a legal character, which is why it is limited to a use with legal effect. The main function of this type of text is to communicate a norm that aims to enable the addressee to fully know both his rights and his obligations or obligations assigned by the legal system. It is important to note that it contains a header that contains the recipient and also the full description of the person writing the text. The final examination of the short examples must follow a structure and for this different computer programs can be used and thus detect inconsistencies. For a communicative situation to be considered a legal text, it must occur in a legislative context. It must©also comply with all the formalities that each company needs for this purpose. For example, a contract concluded between individuals (without the mediation of a lawyer) can be understood as a legal text. In the world of letters, it is possible to identify a large number of texts, many of which are present in our daily lives. Therefore, in this section we will tell you much more about texts that are part of the literary world, in addition to non-literary texts, such as legal texts.