WAREHOUSEMAN. A storekeeper is a person who receives goods and goods that are stored for rent in his warehouse. 2. He is bound to receive these goods and merchandise with the usual care, and his omission makes him liable to the owner. Peake, r. 114; 1 R. Esp. 315; History, Bailm. Section 444; Jones` Bailm. 49, 96, 97; 7 Cowens R. 497; 12 John.

232; 2 Wend. R. 593; 9 Wend. R. 268; 1 stew. 284. The warehousekeeper`s liability begins as soon as the goods arrive and the warehouse crane is used to lift them into the warehouse. 4 R.

Esp. 262. (c) In addition, Article 1 contains general definitions and principles of interpretation which apply to that Article. The owner of a warehouse; one who, as a business and for rent, stores and stores the goods of others. (6) `good faith` means genuine honesty and compliance with reasonable commercial standards of fair dealing. 7. `goods` means all goods which are regarded as movable property for the purposes of a warehousing or transport contract. A person who is regularly in the business of receiving and storing property from others in exchange for remuneration or gain. 1. `depositary` means a person who, by means of a warehouse receipt, bill of lading or other immovable document, confirms possession of goods and concludes contracts for their delivery. The activity of storekeepers can be public or private, since they can store either goods of the general public or goods of certain people.

Article 7 of the Uniform Commercial Code regulates the rights and obligations of storekeepers. 4. `consignor` means a person designated in a bill of lading as the person from whom the goods were received for shipment; (13) `warehouse` means a person who stores goods for hire; 3. `consignee` means a person named in a bill of lading to whom or on whose behalf delivery is promised; (8) `issuer` means a guarantor who issues title or, in the case of a contract for supply not accepted, the person who orders delivery to the holder of goods; The term includes a person for whom an agent or employee purports to act in issuing a document if the agent or employee is actually or apparently authorized to issue documents, even if the issuer did not receive goods, if the goods were incorrectly described, or if the agent or employee otherwise violated the issuer`s instructions. (5) `supply order` means a set of records containing an order to supply goods addressed to a warehouse, freight forwarder or any other person who issues warehouse receipts or bills of lading in the ordinary course of business; (2) « Lessee in the ordinary course of business », section 2A-103. (a) In this article, unless the context otherwise requires: (9) « Assignee on the basis of the document » means the holder in the case of a negotiable real movable document or the person to whom delivery of the goods is to be made pursuant to a non-negotiable tangible property document under the conditions or instructions of a protocol. (12) « Consignor » means a person who enters into a contract of carriage with a carrier; (B) logically attach or associate a sound, symbol or electronic process with an electronic sound, symbol or process. 2.

`carrier` means a person who issues a bill of lading. (b) The definitions in other articles applicable to this article and in the sections in which they appear are: (10) `recording` means information written on a physical medium or stored on an electronic or other medium and which can be consulted in a perceptible form; 11. `sign` means with the current intention of authenticating or accepting a registration:.