Paralegal/Legal Assistant: Specialized paralegal training, usually an associate degree from an accredited college or certification from a paralegal education program. Some paralegals must have passed the Advanced Paralegal Competency Examination (PACE). Some have an associate or bachelor`s degree in another field, such as English, and are also PACE certified; Others may be experienced legal secretaries who have extensive knowledge of research but do not have a formal degree. If you`re considering a legal assistant, be sure to look for a candidate who has experience in areas that are particularly valuable to your law firm. The goal is to find a legal assistant who can handle tasks that are not sustainable, effective or impossible for a lawyer. The right legal assistant should help you make your practice stronger, more efficient, and more profitable. Articling students: Articling students work directly with partners and staff who conduct research and assist in the preparation of various legal documents and files. They work part-time or during summer vacation, as they are usually law students taking courses full-time. Employees may also be recently graduated law students who have not yet passed or passed the bar exam. Trainee lawyers may work for judges.

Future employees are often hired from the pool of articling students who work for a particular firm while earning their law degree. Working with an external paralegal to take over the substantive work and an independent legal assistant can ease the workload of a lawyer. Lawyers can recover many billable hours that would have been lost on administrative tasks. In addition, lawyers can spend more time on substantive legal work, growing their business, or taking care of clients. The best thing about working with an independent legal assistant is that you don`t have the hassle of hiring a full-time employee. Part of the value of a legal assistant is that their exact role and responsibilities can vary depending on the specific needs of a law firm. However, the Association of Legal Administrators (ALA) classifies legal assistants as individuals whose work includes certain administrative and secretarial tasks to assist a lawyer, with some tasks overlapping those of a paralegal. These paralegal duties include legal research if the person has sufficient training and experience. Receptionist: The receptionist is the first person someone meets who comes to the office. Receptionists greet customers and other visitors, handle incoming and outgoing mail, pick up and receive packages, answer the phone from the main office, and forward all incoming calls to the appropriate party. They can also track visitors` entry and exit times and reasons for visiting by keeping a logbook.

They handle general inquiries about the office and guide visitors to the main office area. They usually report directly to the office manager. The legal specializations listed below with brief descriptions vary greatly in their earning capacity. Real estate, securities, corporate law, criminal law and antitrust law are some of the highest paid specialties. If the lawyer or firm you work for earns more for their particular specialization, then you, too, earn more money by providing top-notch secretarial assistance. However, true job satisfaction doesn`t always depend on how much you earn, but also how much fun you enjoy what you do. With that in mind, you should also consider areas that may not pay as much, but that you find very interesting or rewarding. As I said, if you love what you do for a living, money will follow; Or, in other words, if you are happy in your job, you will be better and therefore have the potential to earn more. You can learn more about the legal specialties listed below that may be of interest to you by visiting your local library or doing an internet search. Lawyers represent their clients in legal negotiations with individuals and companies, as well as in legal proceedings conducted by state courts. They research applicable laws and precedents, file legal documents such as lawsuits and appeals, and explain legal issues orally or in writing to their clients. To become a lawyer, a minimum of four years of undergraduate study and three years of law study are required.

Graduates are then generally required to pass written bar examinations to obtain the state license required to practice their profession. New lawyers usually start as employees in law firms and can enter into partnerships after many years of experience. If you are interested in becoming a legal office assistant, one of the first things you should consider is the level of education you need. We found that 48.5% of paralegals have a bachelor`s degree. In terms of higher education level, we found that 5.5% of legal office assistants have a master`s degree. Although most paralegals have a college diploma, it is possible to become only with a high school diploma or GED. Office Manager: Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts or equivalent experience. Often, office managers are former legal secretaries who have an excellent knowledge of the law and the office in which they work. They may have started when the business was small and helped it grow to a larger size.

More than a name, there is a difference between a paralegal and a paralegal. Law firms need to understand « what a legal assistant is. » By understanding the different roles (and responsibilities that come with them), lawyers can make a more informed decision as they build their teams to grow their law firms. Paralegals and paralegals are lawyers who support the work of lawyers – both add value to a law firm. But they are not the same. The « Skills » section of your resume can be almost as important as the experience section, so you want it to be an accurate representation of what you can do. Luckily, we`ve found all the skills you need, so even if you don`t already have those skills, you know what you need to work on. Of all the resumes we reviewed, 24.8% of legal assistants have legal documents on their resumes, but soft skills such as communication and computer skills are also important. Now that you understand « what a legal assistant is, » you may decide to hire a legal assistant. When hiring a legal assistant for your law firm, there are several factors to consider to ensure you make the best business decision for your firm. Start the process by asking yourself questions such as: Paid legal internships are full-time positions that usually take place in the summer; Unpaid internships are also available part-time during the rest of the year. Articling students work closely with a lawyer and become familiar with one or two cases and specific clients.

Your duties vary depending on the type of internship. The law appears to be a necessity when it comes to negotiating contracts, obtaining compensation for personal injury or fighting criminal charges. However, it is too complex and small details for average individuals to understand on their own. Positions in law firms help clients maneuver in the legal world. Job descriptions and qualifications vary depending on the job title, with managing partners or shareholders at the top of the law firm`s hierarchy, according to CDTA.